Brady Bhalla

About Me

Hi! I am Brady Bhalla, an undergrad at Caltech (class of 2026) majoring in Computer Science. I am originally from Fort Collins, CO but now am located in Pasadena, CA.

I greatly enjoy working on personal projects, especially when I am able to combine areas of math and computer science to make something cool.

Other things I enjoy are going on walks, learning new things, drinking coffee, and cooking/eating good food.

Feel free to contact me at!


My interests lie in many different areas of Computer Science, but I am currently most interested in studying how artificial intelligence models contain and use knowledge. However, my interests are very fluid, and I have also really enjoyed learning about other topics such as theory of computation, programming languages, and systems programming.

I often work on projects for fun and in order to learn new things. Many of these projects involve Desmos, an online graphing calculator with a ton of cool features. Examples include an image-to-Desmos converter using Fourier Series and a compiler for a C-like language which runs inside of Desmos.

Countless hours have also been spent configuring Neovim, my text editor of choice which I use for writing everything from code to homework assignments. I find it very rewarding to customize everything exactly the way I want it, and love the flexibility that Neovim allows. A fun fact is that this website uses the same color scheme as my Neovim setup!